video of the guy who knows he is going to die.

In this story, the reporter does a good job of asking the tough questions and showing the interviews that are hard to watch. He asks good questions and the people being interviewed give good answers. I think did a good job of not making them feel like screw-ups, but he still asks the questions that are tough for them to answer. The guy openly says he is going to die from it and he is  not phased by that and the girl is okay with the thought of death due to heroin because of how poorly her life is going. The reporter does a good job of making the viewer feel emotional for the people and see how sad it is that their life has turned out that way and how tough it is to get out of the rough spot, but it also shows how bad the repercussions of doing drugs can be.

I think for the technical side of the story the camera angles and stableness is a little off, but I don't think it matters as much because of the content of the story.

I think from this package I will take away the fact that the good and tough questions make the best stories so I will make sure to think about making more in-depth questions and get a full view of wha the story is about.


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