In this story, the journalist does a good job of giving a ton of details including the who, what, when, where, and how. She talks about the Shooter for the whole 3 minutes without interviews or other soundbites which is impressive because it keeps viewers interested through the b-roll and articles that were shown where they highlighted specific things on the screen. she did a good job of showing everything necessary to know about the history of the hooter and what he was like 4 years ago.

Since no one has an answer as to why he did it, maybe they could have pointed that out a little bit more as well as giving more details about the interview and the doctor. I didn't know what she meant when she said the doctor was on restrain or something like that and so it would've been helpful to clarify that to make it easier to understand on the spot.

I probably won't ever do a 3 minute voice over to b-roll but it does show me the variety of techniques to use while showing b roll or any other thing other than an interview in a creative way. It was a good example to show what real journalists do when they have a bulk of information to share and a small attention span of the viewer.


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