In this story I think the reporter did a way better written version than the video package. In the video was kind of uncomfortable to watch because they showed the wrong clips. They showed the mom of one of the kids just crying and it is uncomfortable to watch and less essential to the story because she doesn't give any information. While it shows good interviews and interview setup, there is not a lot of good questions asked and it may have been more beneficial to talk to some sort of scientist or someone who knows the impact of the drug and can give more information. If it weren't for the mom saying "...30 seconds after he sniffed it" then I would've thought it was a pill the whole time because they talk about how it starts with the pain pill opioid and then they just get addicted to them and kind of skip the whole transition into sniffing something. The audio levels were way too low and I had to turn my computer volume all the way up and then when the video ended and a normal audio level started playing it was very loud so that is not good. The stand up of the woman was very uncomfortable to me as well because she makes it seem like she is introducing some sort of eerie haunted movie or something and she makes long pauses that make me focus on what she is doing rather than what she is actually saying.

The  reporter who did the written story did a very good job and gave way more information than the video. While it took more time, it did keep my interest and attention. I liked how they had different headers for the people who were possibly looking for a recap of one thing or had specific questions because they could just scroll down and find the heading and read the paragraph that followed.

I will implement things that the writer did in her story to keep interest but also make it easy for people that need quick answers for.


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