Professional project review

This video done by CNN is a sentimental package about how a teen who committed suicide is still being bullied after her death. This package shows interviews with 2 people closely related to the teen and gives a very good message out about how absurd the situation is. CNN does a good job of asking the right questions and demonstrating how a story can be made with just one interview of 2 people and pictures. They are able to make the package feel very personal to the audience and i think this is a good skill to have when producing news. The package created shows the interview, interviewee and the pictures during multiple scenes throughout the video which gives a very good understanding of the story as well. The creator of this package could've improved the footage chosen to be included in the package because some of the interviews were quite brief, but overall i think that the story told exactly what it needed to in under 2 minutes. The time frame of the story is also something i will keep in mind for my next project because the whole package i was continually interested in what the people had to say and it kept my attention the whole time. 


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