This semester was focused on convergence journalism and things like interviews and real life stories and news packages. he projects that were assigned were based off of learning how to develop a set of questions, frame an interview, get b-roll, and utilize all the skills such as the audio levels, the nat nose, and the J and L edits while editing the entire piece. projects like the summer interview were focused on mainly audio versus projects like the hobby one where that was focused on putting all the skills we learned together. Some key events i learned along the way was how much outside work the class requires in order to have your best final product. For the hobby project I was partnered up with courtney which had performing arts/ acting as her hobby. In order to film a good interview story on her role as a performer, i had to stay after and go to rehearsals with them and get really creative shots since i wasnt able to be up close and personal at a live event. I messed around with a variety of shots and ended up with a pretty good about of b-roll. My favorite shot was this shot in the center.
 I really like how my video turned out in the aspects of the editing and b-roll shots. Getting nat noise was difficult to figure out while i was at rehearsal because of how loud the rest of the cast was while they were practicing their specific parts versus courtney specifically. This is how my video over courtneys performing ended up-
              Throughout this semester, my knowledge of they technology and software we used to edit and film advanced immensely. At the start of the year I was uneducated on how big of a difference the details can make when editing. The difference in audio levels and timing is everything and throughout the semester I learned that piecing videos together is more of a puzzle. I also learned about time management in planning most of all. Since that doesn’t just apply to video, it has helped me through a lot of things.  Being able to plan in advance is key in videos and creating interviews and news packages. You need to know how far in advance to tell the people getting interviewed and specific times and dates. At the beginning of my first interview I ran into a few problems with timing and working around the interviewees schedule as well. It was a difficult process, but after practicing a few times, I got the hang of the right timing and advanced planning.
            At the start of the semester I did not seem as interested and passionate about the video aspect of ecomm, but I think I developed a lot of passion for video towards the end when we filmed the interviews over a classmates hobby. Ive developed in the sense that before I thought that this class wouldn’t benefit me as much as I thought because I didn’t have an interest in it, but after filming and editing a good interview and story, I feel like I could be interested in this strand a lot more. I completely flipped a switch and looked at it from the opposite side as something that could benefit me in the long run and now I actually have a passion for the interview style video.  Editing videos is sort of like putting the puzzle pieces together, or basking something from scratch and the reward of getting a well constructed video is completely worth it.
            Next semester i plan to invest a lot of outside time dedicated to this class, similar to what i do now. I hope to learn a lot more about convergence because i am extremely interested in what that has to offer. I would like to dig deeper into the editing aspects of it as well as the anchoring part. While next semester focuses on entertainment videos, i would still like to do some outside work dealing with convergence. I think entertainment will also be fun and require the same amount of outside work and preparation.


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