Project 1
This project focused on how to deal with layering and specific opacity for each picture. We had to learn how to layer photos and make them look reasonable with the opacity as well. We also were introduced to many of the edits that you could apply to any of the pictures. This project was slightly challenging because of having to resize the images. Once i figured out how to correctly resize the image and layer multiple pictures, it wasn't as challenging. Learning to use the tools was a quick process for me because most of the tools were very necessary.

Project 2
In the monarch project we learned how to use the clone brush and how to make the butterfly look like it was flying or 3D. Learning this tool was helpful for project 4 as well because we had to erase a few things in the picture and make them look like they were gone. working with the butterfly we also learned how to highlight specific areas of an image and change the color. Originally the butterfly was orange, but i changed mine to have a pink and red color scheme just to make it look interesting. the project was slightly challenging making sure to highlight the whole section without having too much or too little. Eventually after adjusting a few things it usually captured the perfect amount.

Project 3
The main focus of project 3 was to learn how to use the text masking tool. This tool makes a picture look like its inside of words. The challenging part of learning how to mask things was trying to reposition the picture just so enough is in it, but not too much to where it looks like its off-centered or not aligned with anything else. once you realized how to control the size of the letter and the picture, it was much easier to determine where the picture should go based on the important parts of the picture.

Project 4
During project 4 we learned how to layer pictures to make a collage that looked like it went well together. We used the clone tool to make it look like the light pole, the cars, and a sign were all gone. We also had to use the magnetic lasso tool to highlight the raven and copy it onto the picture of the school. It was challenging to get the raven to be exact without weird edges, but if there were any sharp edges i just used the eraser tool. Another challenging thing was trying to fit all of the pictures on top. It was hard to find a layout that didn't have an odd look to it. We used the masking tool to erase a few edges off of the main pictures. In the end it all worked out because i had adjusted the opacity of it just enough so it all went together.


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