Professional article review

Creative Anarchy at Its Very Best

Creative anarchy is about using the rules as guidelines and using your imagination to make up for the rest. This article is reassurance that it is okay to color outside of the lines in graphic design (not literally). Taking risks is what graphic design is all about. When it comes to completing the client’s needs, you have to meet them halfway. Finding that happy spot where both the clients ideas and the designers creativity meet is what makes a good design.  The author of this story is trying to get the fact across that not all designs must be so limited. As a designer, you have to be okay with the concept of your mind to new ideas and creative details will open up a whole new world for your graphic design.  For example, the author say’s “Design rules are more like guidelines.”  This quote shows us that the author literally means that rules aren’t always followed in graphic design and its not always necessary.

The author points out a few valid arguments, however I do not agree with all of them. The author says in the later parts of the article “There are no new ideas. There is nothing new under the sun. All design ideas can be traced back to something in the past.” I don’t agree when the author says this. There are new ideas coming up left and right on the daily. Most of the issues are that people aren’t as willing to dig up the new ideas, therefore they bend the past ideas into their own.  There are a lot of statements in this article that I would agree with, and only some that I wouldn’t. I think it is all based on experience and understanding of graphic design. For example, the author might think something in this article is 100% true because they’ve experienced it and they know, but I might not agree fully because I haven’t had the experience to decide whether or not that would apply with me.

I do think the article was helpful in telling us that it I okay to step outside of the lines, which it is, I know that for the most part the creativity is similar to stepping outside of the box, which we co everyday in graphic design without a though, but this will definitely help me realize when I’m dig something new, bold, or creative.  This article was helpful in the reassuring category.


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