I like my video because the story line makes sense and has a problem and solution and all that. I like how it has a dog rather than a human because you can still tell what the dog is thinking and what he is trying to do. I like how the dog has a lot of detail to him and ow he wasn't just squares and rectangles. On the other hand, i don't like how there isn't much going on. I don't like how the sounds don't matches well as they could've. I think if they had more sound effects to go with it, then it would be better. I tired to get the best sound that matched possible, but there wasn't very many that went with the dog theme. I also don't like how its so short. I think the message gets across, but i also think it could have more.
Professional article review Creative Anarchy at Its Very Best Creative anarchy is about using the rules as guidelines and using your imagination to make up for the rest. This article is reassurance that it is okay to color outside of the lines in graphic design (not literally). Taking risks is what graphic design is all about. When it comes to completing the client’s needs, you have to meet them halfway. Finding that happy spot where both the clients ideas and the designers creativity meet is what makes a good design. The author of this story is trying to get the fact across that not all designs must be so limited. As a designer, you have to be okay with the concept of your mind to new ideas and creative details will open up a whole new world for your graphic design. For example, the author say’s “Design rules are more like guidelines.” This quote shows us that the author literally means that rules aren’t always followed in graphic design and its not always...
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