
Showing posts from 2016 Professional project review This video done by CNN is a sentimental package about how a teen who committed suicide is still being bullied after her death. This package shows interviews with 2 people closely related to the teen and gives a very good message out about how absurd the situation is. CNN does a good job of asking the right questions and demonstrating how a story can be made with just one interview of 2 people and pictures. They are able to make the package feel very personal to the audience and i think this is a good skill to have when producing news. The package created shows the interview, interviewee and the pictures during multiple scenes throughout the video which gives a very good understanding of the story as well. The creator of this package could've improved the footage chosen to be included in the package because some of the interviews were quite brief, but Professional article Review This article highlights the most important tips to help make a live broadcast more successful and more appealing to the audience. It talks about the general peoples interests and what works better and what doesn't. The article is formatted with specific steps with details about how to do it. The author does a very good job at delivering a clear message and helps with how to do it. He argues more for the change during production such as different animations and breaks form the livestream itself to keep it interesting. This is a helpful tool to remember while doing the gameday broadcast. The author also talks about having a stable system and back up plan just in case something happens during the production. This is a very good thing to keep in mind for more than just the gameday live streams as well. In the article one of the steps says to "Make a broad
How to do J edits in Final Cut When making news packages it is very helpful to include many different edits to make the story more interesting for the viewers. This can be done in many ways, but i will show you the J edit. On the first picture the clip number 86 is the sound bite from the interview that i want to overlap the b-roll to make this cut possible.  The first step is to take the green audio bar on the left and shorten it down as shown in picture 2. Then you take the audio from clip 86 and match it up where the old audio on the left used to be in order to keep it flowing. The last step is to take the far left side of the interview (86) and cut it down by sliding the mouse to the right and matching the end of the audio with the end of the interview. This helps make a package more interesting and able to flow better by using edits rather than having jump cuts. 
This project was intended to not only inform students and staff about the hard work that goes into making a musical at ONW, but to promote The Beauty and The Beast as well. To produce this package I had to do a lot of investigation relating to the cast, crew and the schedule of rehearsal. I made sure to talk to the head of the show, Mrs. Murphey to confirm all of my information as well. I chose to interview the 3 main roles of this musical in order to get a better understanding of the whole thing and to get 3 different perspectives of people who have been involved for some time. I learned along the way that in my next packages, I need to do the interviews before i film B-roll because filming B-roll without viewing the interviews first put me in a position to where i didn't know what i needed to film and how much of a specific role i needed to get too. For example, the interview was not evenly split up because of the difference in how each of them answered the questions which made
e-Magine was a really interesting event! seeing some entries were fun to observe and learn from. I thought Drew McCall and Brooke Biasella did a really good job with speaking! Kierstyn and I enjoyed watching the ghost video imitation things the most. It was a very interesting night and it was pretty cool because i got to experience it with the people i don't usually hangout with!