
Showing posts from November, 2017 In this story, the reporter did a good job with getting a very in depth interview with the mother and it really showed a lot of emotion and helped tie the story together. I think this is good because instead of the reporter saying everything, the mom was able to share her thoughts and feelings with the reporter as the main person involved, rather than hearing it from another person.  I think the audio for this story was a little messed up because during the interview the moms audio is on the right while the reporters audio is on the left and it is not balanced.  I think this is a good example of asking the harder questions and getting the better answers because the reporter didn't have to say as much. I will definitely keep that in mind when interviewing people over something they're passionate about. In this story the reporter did a good job of getting the main points across and laying downtime basics of what occurred. She was also good with the standup location being able to show the people they were talking abut and what the scene looked like with her there too. They also got a good shot of Garmin from above that added a lot to the story. I think the reporter could've done a better job at interviewing the guy because she says it is not hazardous and then he says the exact same thing. Also, I think she could've elaborated more on what happened rather than just saying a pipe ruptured. I think she did a good job of breaking up her words and sentences to be able to tell the difference in what she was saying all by the tone of her voice and I will try to implement that into things like the raven minute when its basically just and This Reporter did a good job of getting multiple interviews from people that had been affected by this criminal. The people they interviewed gave long and thorough responses which doesn't always happen but I think they did a good job at taking out the really good parts that add to the story. He also had a very good stand up in the locations of where it happened and was able to show the camera and the door which added a lot to the story.  I think the reporter could've done a better job at talking more about the criminals appearance because they said they need the viewers' help but just showed the picture once and dent really analyze it much. I will take from this story the good standup location and see how it really adds to the story and try to do something similar in future stories.